Thursday, November 10, 2011

2001: A Space Odyssey

The movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" divides to three part : A Down of Man, A Mission and Juptor Misson. The first part shows pithecanthropus' lives. They fight for their territories and powers; also, they know how to pertect themsevlf by the bones. This bone is the symbol through the whole moive. It indeed appears in other parts. For instence, the pen and the shap of the space ship look like the bone, and it symbolize the weapon. On the other hand, the second part is set after many years, and the technology advances. As a result, people can fly in the space. The last part is the most important part becuase it manifests the main theme that is about the technology can instead of human; in the worst case, computer systems even can kill people. We can find it in the movie; after Hal knows Dave and Frank is going to disconect him, he kills Frank and all people in the ship.I was very shocked when I saw this view.
Personally, I think Hal doesn't want to kill anyone, and he just tries to defend himself. It is hard to imagine how afvanced the computer is. It even has hunman emotion. Especially, close to the end, Hal says "I can fell it". It sounds like he knows what is the death about. I have sympathy with Dave and Frank. Both they cannot be with their families. This shows another comparision. In the ancient time, most pithecanthropus live in a grounp. However, it turns to the modern times, even though there are lots of technology that helps people to comunicate, they are sill not spending time together. In fact, it is the issue in the recent days, and it happens everywhere in the world. In brief, the moive"2001: A Space Odyssey" is a great moive. As our classmates discussed in the class, they said that the ability of human is limited. People cannot predict and prevent what is going to happen. In fact, there is one thing that confuses me. I don't understand why Dave reborns in the end.
We learned another story in the class which is very difficult, and it is hard to follow. However, I think this kind of story is very interesting, the heros or the monsters. Of cause, the traditional palys: the heros kill the monsters and safe the world. It sounds very proud.

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